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Thread: Td42 or TB42

  1. #1
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    Td42 or TB42

    Hey Guys, got a good price of a TB42 carby, would you recommend or is it not worth getting and I should rather wait to get a TD42 ?
    How many km’s do TB42 go to if taken care of?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post
    Hey Guys, got a good price of a TB42 carby, would you recommend or is it not worth getting and I should rather wait to get a TD42 ?
    How many km’s do TB42 go to if taken care of?
    Yes and No, it really depends.... What are they asking for it?

    Between my mates and myself we have a every version of the TB and TD between us.

    If money is limiting factor and you dont plan on doing big touring trips loaded up then a carby tb42 is fine. Otherwise keep her light for touring if you can. You can still wheel the piss out of them on the tracks if thats what you want from them. The carb version is the least desirable motor of the 4.2s. People can get pretty decent longevity out of them, but like anything they need to be looked after (oils, filters and occasional carb service/rebuild). A mate of mine has one and when we do big trips that thing drinks like a fish. Then he put a trailer on the back of it and now it drinks like an alcoholic whale at 24-26 liters per 100. He is currently considering a 4jj conversion.

    Another mate has the EFI version and it goes well. If you can get an EFI tb42 for the better brakes, economey compared to the carby, and a bit more pep. Slap a turbo on and from what I have seen they scream!

    I've have two TD42s. Finding one that that isnt full of blowby or with a leaking injector pump is tricky as they are exy things to fix, but throw enough money at these things and she'll be right. My 1st was an 89 and it had 430K on it. I turboed it at 460 and the motor still runs, with a bit of blowby. Odometer stopped being relaible around 480K and it is well over 500K now from my estimations. My second is a 92 that had 225K on it and is very clean and the tourer which gets about 14-16lt per 100 (wind is a bitch for brick shaped cars) at 2.6 ton with all the touring gear like drawers, awnings, sliders, bullbar..etc..etc Usually a bigger outlay because the the TD42 status. If you can wait and have plenty of cash to buy one sub 300ks that has been looked after then do it.

    Good luck and I'm sure others will chime in with their 2 cents.
    Last edited by gazq; 17th August 2024 at 01:37 PM.

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    Thanks mate, the person I know is asking 14k for it with 170km on it. I should add that it is an auto transmission aswell.
    My plan with the car is to go camping on surf trips, take in on the sand and dirt roads to get to spots. It isn’t to do crazy tracks just some fun ones though.
    So from what I understand you would recommend I wait to get a TD42 or atleast wait to get a EFI TB42 ?

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post
    Thanks mate, the person I know is asking 14k for it with 170km on it. I should add that it is an auto transmission aswell.
    My plan with the car is to go camping on surf trips, take in on the sand and dirt roads to get to spots. It isn’t to do crazy tracks just some fun ones though.
    So from what I understand you would recommend I wait to get a TD42 or atleast wait to get a EFI TB42 ?
    14k for a carby seems like a lot, but with such low ks and if it is in really good nick then maybe 9-10k ? For that kind of money I would want grandpa spec and no rust at that price point. Accessories mean nothing interms of adding value, like old lifts, spotties, and other shit owners have added to them and paid full price for. I can't speak to the value of an auto tb42 carb variant as I have only had manuals. Covid has distored car prices and I could be way off, but search online to find similar GQs to gauage weither or not it seems like a reasonble price instead of advice from random people on the internet like me haha.

    Redbook says for a TI version of petrol carb auto GQ is 5-8k which sounds more like it.

    So as always take any advice with a grain of salt. This is coming from a guy who bought a td42 for 5k, mates picked up theirs tbs for 4,5K over ten years ago.

    For me at that price I would pass and wait for an very clean EFI version to come along. A 14k TD would probably have over +400ks and/or be very rough. In the end it will do what you want, but jeez thats a lot of cash for a carby. Hope this helps and remember you will probably need some extra cash to address old car problems.
    Last edited by gazq; 18th August 2024 at 11:53 AM.

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  8. #5
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    Petrol over diesel any day for sand dune driving, as you have a greater rev range.
    My advice is: not to follow my advice.

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  10. #6
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    FWIW; Rebuilding an old faithful trucks donk…TD42 complete internals (circa hard work yakka 700,000km ++ due) to TD42Ti specs (same tough sound block/head) = $14k by a shop.
    Add another say $6k of 11mm pump & turbo supported via an additional intercooler and we could score another said amount again hoping
    Tis all relative, IMHO, we don’t live as long as a solid TD42 these days
    FWIW # 2…QLD Gurus once taught me here that “NO” the TB & TD blocks/heads are vastly different
    Talk is cheap, Torque hurts pockets

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  12. #7
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    I love the TB42, it drinks a lot but makes a TD42 feel asthmatic to me. Diesel is currently cheaper too and the TDs are a lot cheaper to service and run from what I’ve heard.

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