As I mentioned the other day about Omar offering me a car service
well went to Clayton Sth this morning to have it done
Could'nt have met a nicer man and willing to answer any questions
that I threw at him I was most impressed with his knowledge
on these 3lt motors so I reckon if you need repairs or advice on a
3lt motor he's your man so call him on0400-033-377
Now on an extra serious note the service went well but on inspection
of why the oil filter would not screw back on further investigation
was undertaken and would you believe and it came as a shock to me
and Omar that the left hand engine mount was missing the bolts
that hold it to the motor not 1 not 2 but all 4 where
gone Fark what happened there whats holding the motor in ?
the drip tray under the filter was keeping it there
so we get two bolts in to get me home and told not to drive it till
the others are put back other wise if jolted over speed humps rocks
or other obsticles it could tear the side of the motor out and be
stranded where ever
Bugger Bugger no wood gathering this month and no Wonnangatta
meet up at the end of the May with GDSA
Thought poor Jane was going to break down when I told her she's
was looking forward to that trip ah well shite happens we will