View Full Version : Water powered hammer for camping use

28th June 2017, 12:03 PM
This is a pretty handy way to use a nearby water stream to crack your own "nuts" while camping in the bush.
Usually, we have to join the army commando unit to learn this kinda bush skills.
Things have changed.
Nowadays, you can learn to perform neurosurgery with the aid of youtube. ;) :D

Water Power Hammer for Camping (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TdoO2OVaA)

28th June 2017, 02:23 PM
Riiiiiight! All that effort into making something, to do something, that can be done by hand and much quicker. Unless I have missed the point of it all.

28th June 2017, 03:18 PM
I have often been sitting by a camp fire with a bag of Brazil Nuts and no hammer and wondering how can I open them, if only I had seen this before. :rolleyes:

28th June 2017, 03:34 PM
Looks like the Industrial revolution is firing up in Papua New Guinea? Guy has a lot of time on his hands to invent stuff that has already been invented, all good and interesting I reckon

28th June 2017, 03:52 PM
Impressive individual. I agree Phil as i watched him it was clear he was not in a hurry and that was maybe a weeks work to make that setup. I have watched a few of his videos and enjoy them. I just read though that if you turn on the Closed Captions (CC) button in the bottom of the video he has put Subtitles into his vids explaining what he is doing and who.

4.5million Subscribers and he has never said a word in any of his videos. Respect.

28th June 2017, 03:54 PM
Riiiiiight! All that effort into making something, to do something, that can be done by hand and much quicker. Unless I have missed the point of it all.

Yeah i did kind of wonder its purpose when he first set it up. given he worked out how to carve a bowl out of a softer rock you'd think he would have just gone to a Mortar and Pistel arrangement..... Kool Vid though!

Check out his cabin with a Heated Floor!

28th June 2017, 03:57 PM
I personally love these videos. They seem to just mellow me out. They relax me while also holding me in deep concentration.

It's interesting to see other ways of doing things, compare it to how far we've come now. Also he could be handy armageddon type stuff.

28th June 2017, 04:02 PM
I have often been sitting by a camp fire with a bag of Brazil Nuts and no hammer and wondering how can I open them, if only I had seen this before. :rolleyes:

There may be a hint of sarcasm creeping in! Keep up the good work!

28th June 2017, 06:00 PM
The only real use I can see for the water driven hammer in this day and age, is to annoy the absolute %^()0 out of some bastard who is running a generator.

28th June 2017, 06:18 PM
The only real use I can see for the water driven hammer in this day and age, is to annoy the absolute %^()0 out of some bastard who is running a generator.
Or give Mrs MB's Boobs a rest when we're out camping :-)

28th June 2017, 06:42 PM
Looks like the Industrial revolution is firing up in Papua New Guinea? Guy has a lot of time on his hands to invent stuff that has already been invented, all good and interesting I reckon

Imagine waiting for that hammer to crush your herbs and garlic enough to cook tomorrows dinner!!! Patience is required.

28th June 2017, 07:49 PM
Imagine waiting for that hammer to crush your herbs and garlic enough to cook tomorrows dinner!!! Patience is required.

This guy takes delight in demonstrating that he can do without all the modern 'cons' and arrive at a functional outcome. He is basically demonstrating ingenuity in a third world environment. I am sure even he would not spend all day crushing a clove of garlic! I like seeing this stuff regardless of how 'useless' it is for me living in a world where it's instant gratification or move over.

28th June 2017, 07:58 PM
Yeah I do take my hat off to him for making the entire thing with tools he made.

28th June 2017, 08:13 PM
Check all his youtube vids here:


This is the first time I've ever subscribed to someone's youtube channel. Amazing skills. Building, weapons, tool making, traps, pottery, weaving, fire lighting, growing food plants......got it all covered.

Click the closed captions button (CC) at the bottom of the vid for written explanations of what he's doing.

28th June 2017, 08:24 PM
I love this sort of stuff. Its a good reminder that once a pon a time we humans weren't in a mad rush to have everything and could actually do things for themselves. I might've taken a long time to get things done but people used to have have a lot of time on there hands. Simpler times.

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28th June 2017, 09:57 PM
Looks like the Industrial revolution is firing up in Papua New Guinea? Guy has a lot of time on his hands to invent stuff that has already been invented, all good and interesting I reckon

That stuff predates industrial revolution by many many centuries. :D

28th June 2017, 10:00 PM
I love this sort of stuff. Its a good reminder that once a pon a time we humans weren't in a mad rush to have everything and could actually do things for themselves. I might've taken a long time to get things done but people used to have have a lot of time on there hands. Simpler times.

And they died of heart failure at old age or from injuries at young age, not from cancer.
They didn't suffer from depression 360 days out of 365 days. :D
Most importantly, it didn't take 30 years for them to own their own house. :D

28th June 2017, 10:07 PM
Or give Mrs MB's Boobs a rest when we're out camping :-)

I hope Mrs MB is not reading this. I hate to see you spend a week sleeping on the couch. :D

In this video, the technique was taken bit further.


28th June 2017, 10:11 PM
I personally love these videos. They seem to just mellow me out. They relax me while also holding me in deep concentration.

It's interesting to see other ways of doing things, compare it to how far we've come now. Also he could be handy armageddon type stuff.

Absolutely! I think the reason he has a such huge fan base(five million subscriptions) and some 9 million views just under two months is 'cos it is relaxing to watch it, let alone doing it.

28th June 2017, 10:12 PM
I personally love these videos. They seem to just mellow me out. They relax me while also holding me in deep concentration. It's interesting to see other ways of doing things, compare it to how far we've come now. Also he could be handy armageddon type stuff.
Agreed TH mate! And thanks again Plasnart & dom14 mates!! Plassy sent our Youtube viewing stats off the charts a few days ago :-) My personal favourite of Plassy's was the kiln dried pit roof tiles & mud wall hut, being that we grew up in a slightly bigger hippy version ;-)

28th June 2017, 10:16 PM
Yeah i did kind of wonder its purpose when he first set it up. given he worked out how to carve a bowl out of a softer rock you'd think he would have just gone to a Mortar and Pistel arrangement..... Kool Vid though!

Check out his cabin with a Heated Floor!

There are other applications of that setup. if you happen to be living in the bush closer to a creek, you can do something useful out of the flowing water.
Out of all the stuff he does, what intrigued me(and had a relaxing ASMR effect) is the simple pottery work he did with his bare hands using locally available clay.

28th June 2017, 10:18 PM
Riiiiiight! All that effort into making something, to do something, that can be done by hand and much quicker. Unless I have missed the point of it all.

I was actually joking when I worded it as a nutcracker. :D

The real use of the setup is as a hammer and many other useful bush applications.

28th June 2017, 10:20 PM
Impressive individual. I agree Phil as i watched him it was clear he was not in a hurry and that was maybe a weeks work to make that setup. I have watched a few of his videos and enjoy them. I just read though that if you turn on the Closed Captions (CC) button in the bottom of the video he has put Subtitles into his vids explaining what he is doing and who.

4.5million Subscribers and he has never said a word in any of his videos. Respect.

I reckon he's done it lot quicker than a week. Couple of days the top.

28th June 2017, 10:28 PM
Water Power Brother!
Good ol Tesla @ it again :-)

28th June 2017, 10:33 PM
This guy takes delight in demonstrating that he can do without all the modern 'cons' and arrive at a functional outcome. He is basically demonstrating ingenuity in a third world environment. I am sure even he would not spend all day crushing a clove of garlic! I like seeing this stuff regardless of how 'useless' it is for me living in a world where it's instant gratification or move over.

These stuff actually go back to the times of ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, etc.
We used these techniques at the very beginning of the civilizations, around 5k+ years ago.

There is no such thing as the "third world". It is an out of date term now. It was just a condescending term invented by an old out of date economist with an inferiority/superiority complex. Nowadays, we use the term "developing world", 'cos some of those second world countries have surpassed the first world and we are desperately depending on the so called old "third world" to make sure we eat & get our everyday stuff cheap. :)

Many of his demos are pretty useful for bush living. This will most certainly come handy with my pending project of fully self contained off the grid house. :)

28th June 2017, 10:34 PM
Water Power Brother!
Good ol Tesla @ it again :-)

Oh yeah. Tesla, the mistimed genius. Imagine what he can give us if he's born to late 20th century. :D

28th June 2017, 10:42 PM
......This will most certainly come handy with my pending project of fully self contained off the grid house. :)
Please do follow your dreams and go through Dom mate! AB has got bigger feet than me so best book him in for top slurry pit work ;-)

28th June 2017, 10:46 PM
I was actually joking when I worded it as a nutcracker. :D

The real use of the setup is as a hammer and many other useful bush applications.

I'm trying to think of one useful bush application that thing has got over a rock sitting on the ground that could do the same job, but faster. Ahh unless the user has two broken arms and can't break his brazil nuts?

28th June 2017, 10:48 PM
Even though it's not his most impressive build, I bloody love the slingshot vid. Far out I didn't imagine they'd have that sort of power. Imagine being hit in the scone by that! Lights out permanently, good night, fare well, arividerchi, saionara, bon voyage, see ya round like a record......or just drop instantly dead like a huge sack of shit.

28th June 2017, 11:01 PM
Even though it's not his most impressive build, I bloody love the slingshot vid. Far out I didn't imagine they'd have that sort of power. Imagine being hit in the scone by that! Lights out permanently, good night, fare well, arividerchi, saionara, bon voyage, see ya round like a record......or just drop instantly dead like a huge sack of shit.

Just watched it. Yeah I don't think you'd want to live after being hit by that. Thats got some serious power.

28th June 2017, 11:02 PM
Even though it's not his most impressive build, I bloody love the slingshot vid. Far out I didn't imagine they'd have that sort of power. Imagine being hit in the scone by that! Lights out permanently, good night, fare well, arividerchi, saionara, bon voyage, see ya round like a record......or just drop instantly dead like a huge sack of shit.
Also liked his (sharp) 'Bow&Arrow' vid thanks mate! We used to make arrows only out of 'Bracken' stems. Leave the root ball on for a bit of fun smack the crap outa ya mates back :-(

29th June 2017, 10:45 AM
These stuff actually go back to the times of ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, etc.
We used these techniques at the very beginning of the civilizations, around 5k+ years ago.

There is no such thing as the "third world". It is an out of date term now. It was just a condescending term invented by an old out of date economist with an inferiority/superiority complex. Nowadays, we use the term "developing world", 'cos some of those second world countries have surpassed the first world and we are desperately depending on the so called old "third world" to make sure we eat & get our everyday stuff cheap. :)

Many of his demos are pretty useful for bush living. This will most certainly come handy with my pending project of fully self contained off the grid house. :)

Aploogies for being 'out of date' DOM. The term is still relevent and developing world is another example of politically correct rebranding to disguise what the reality actually is. I cant see how you have drawn the conclusion about the personal attributes and origins of the term - no idea where it originates, however I would suspect its simply a ranking term, which is a natural attribute of everything we do today.

I have a friend with a totally 'off the grid' home and can assure you he uses none of the techiniques in the video's, instead utilises 'modern day hardware'. I am not saying its not practical or preferable, but good luck if you go this path as I think it is likely to be the long path to independence.

29th June 2017, 11:00 AM
Having read a little about this youtube guy, I don't think he's trying to promote this as an alternative lifestyle. He lives what we call a "normal" life in a modern house, has a science/biology degree, obviously uses modern camera and computer equipment to make the vids, etc. The property he films on is private land owned by a relative I believe, not public land, and in one vid there's a helicopter in the background so he's not out in the middle of woop-woop. I think this is just an interest/hobby of his which he makes entertaining videos about.

I do enjoy the vids but would not want to actually live like that. I like simple pleasures but turning the clock back 10,000 years would be a bit much! :)


29th June 2017, 12:13 PM
Yeah certainly impressive what he does none the less.

29th June 2017, 12:36 PM
One of early mans more useful inventions

Should still be in use today!

29th June 2017, 01:46 PM
I'm trying to think of one useful bush application that thing has got over a rock sitting on the ground that could do the same job, but faster. Ahh unless the user has two broken arms and can't break his brazil nuts?

Nutcracker idea was me trying to be a comedian and thought folks might crack up. :)

It's been used for water collection, redirection, etc since Babylonian times(it's likely they invented that).

Hammer is a new idea for me. Sure, hammer is not likely to come up as a camping application, but the other two above can be and
then the sky is the limit.
Think like Macgyver. :D

29th June 2017, 01:58 PM
One of early mans more useful inventions

Should still be in use today!

No argument there. :D

29th June 2017, 02:12 PM
Also liked his (sharp) 'Bow&Arrow' vid thanks mate! We used to make arrows only out of 'Bracken' stems. Leave the root ball on for a bit of fun smack the crap outa ya mates back :-(

Yeah, I would love to build that and get into that hobby/sport.
You can get a good kick by hitting a target from distance. :)

29th June 2017, 02:35 PM
Think like Macgyver. :D
Like with some chewing gum and a paper clip?

29th June 2017, 03:25 PM
Aploogies for being 'out of date' DOM. The term is still relevent and developing world is another example of politically correct rebranding to disguise what the reality actually is. I cant see how you have drawn the conclusion about the personal attributes and origins of the term - no idea where it originates, however I would suspect its simply a ranking term, which is a natural attribute of everything we do today.

I have a friend with a totally 'off the grid' home and can assure you he uses none of the techiniques in the video's, instead utilises 'modern day hardware'. I am not saying its not practical or preferable, but good luck if you go this path as I think it is likely to be the long path to independence.

I didn't mean living in a mud brick hut. :)
I meant using some of the techniques to devise sustainable technologies.
It's been a long time dream of mine to build a house where I don't need water or electricity from the grid, but
using rainwater/ground water & solar/wind power. As for building the house, using mud bricks is not a bad idea at all It is a good idea depending on the location. I guess the solar power idea can be bit expensive atm, but who knows! In future, fully off the grid solar setup can be cheaper as the technology gets cheaper.

I agree the PC can go out of control and having to watch every damn word before using it is a real PITA.

I didn't mean you used the term "third world" in a condescending way, but it does carry such connotations behind it in common vernacular. It's been used to describe stinking poor, dirty, slum, disease ridden conditions in certain parts of Africa, Asia, South America, etc. But, it's easy to forget such conditions exist right in the middle of the developed world as well.

I've seen the term's being used loosely by folks from time to time, hence the reason for my lecture. :D
It was initially a political division but used largely in common vernacular in derogatory or condescending sense.
I avoid the term 'cos I've seen the so called vernacular "third world" in the middle of this island that I've never seen anywhere including Asia or Africa, which has been troubling for me quite sometime but that's a topic we won't discuss.
Check this out, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World

The use of terms "developed world" and "developing world" is the modern revision of it, and it's mostly economical, 'cos the political/economical rubbish that used to exist to create the three worlds are no more . Retiring the word "third world" from academic circle was a good idea 'cos it is no longer relevant.
Of course, using the term as you wish is your right.
Pointing out it no longer carries any academic weight is my right. :D

Again, I do agree that we do have an issue with over abundance of PC, but I can assure you the retirement of the term "Third World" has nothing to do with PC.

29th June 2017, 03:27 PM
Like with some chewing gum and a paper clip?

Yeah, sure.

29th June 2017, 03:58 PM
Having read a little about this youtube guy, I don't think he's trying to promote this as an alternative lifestyle. He lives what we call a "normal" life in a modern house, has a science/biology degree, obviously uses modern camera and computer equipment to make the vids, etc. The property he films on is private land owned by a relative I believe, not public land, and in one vid there's a helicopter in the background so he's not out in the middle of woop-woop. I think this is just an interest/hobby of his which he makes entertaining videos about.

I do enjoy the vids but would not want to actually live like that. I like simple pleasures but turning the clock back 10,000 years would be a bit much! :)


Of course mate.
It would be impossible to live like that in this country(suburbs i mean) anyway.
But, some of the things he's demonstrating can be useful, particularly in case you have a bush property as a weekend getaway.

His videos have relaxing effect. I reckon that's the reason he's getting huge number of hits in a short time.
It is a pretty entertaining hobby for the folks who enjoy the bush and using hands.

30th June 2017, 04:29 AM
Hey Guys,
My apologies, if I was "ranting" bit too much. :)

30th June 2017, 05:34 AM
It's all good Dom, so much more entertaining than the morning Herald mate :-)

30th June 2017, 08:45 AM
Hey Guys,
My apologies, if I was "ranting" bit too much. :)

Nothing wrong with ranting on here.
I love watching this guys videos and have become addicted now.

30th June 2017, 11:03 AM
Nothing wrong with ranting on here.
I love watching this guys videos and have become addicted now.

Me too. Too bad I don't have a bush property to practice some of that stuff.
I'm working on it. :D

30th June 2017, 11:06 AM
It's all good Dom, so much more entertaining than the morning Herald mate :-)

No kidding mate. It's pretty depressing to open up a newspaper or watch morning news these days.
Good thing about internet is that we have a choice of news, instead of getting fed by commercial TV or newspaper's sensationalized bad news & tragedies. :)