View Full Version : That doesn't seem fair

20th July 2016, 10:59 AM
I thought I'd start this up and see where it goes.

A mate of mine recently got a yellow sticker on his truck. Couple of small issues which he fixed and took for inspection. All passed Ok EXCEPT the inspector pinged him becaust the fog lights on his roo bar didn't work. Here in WA fog light are not permitted to be used and my mate pointed this out. They came on the roo bar and as they are not to be used here, he had not even wired them up. Nope, not good enough.
As they are there they have to be work, even though your not allowed to use them. Anyway he wireed them up and got passed and now has a prefectly legal truck even though some functions cannot be used.

20th July 2016, 11:18 AM
The law is the law is the law, even when policed by dickheads! Get a name etc and have the evil twin whack a curse on, might cost a coupla chickens but hey, revenge is rarely inexpensive! Hahaha

20th July 2016, 11:42 AM
If i fit a grenade launcher to my roo bar, does it have to work, even though it is illegal?. Any other thats not fair stories?

20th July 2016, 04:01 PM
I remember years ago when living in Alice if your motor bike had indicators fitted they had to work.
easier to remove them at the time and just use hand signals

20th July 2016, 04:17 PM
I don't know how true it is but my mate who does roadworthies in VIC said that if the car has a spare tyre in it, the tyre must be in roadworthy condition. But there is no problem if there is no spare.
So when doing certificates and the car has a bald tyre as a spare he takes it out, passes the car and then puts the tyre back in.

20th July 2016, 04:27 PM
When I got the GU back to WA I had to put it over the pits for rego, due to not having the 3rd row of seats I was told that I had to remove the seatbelts before they would sign off on it and change it from a 7 seater to a 5 seater.

20th July 2016, 04:28 PM
I don't know how true it is but my mate who does roadworthies in VIC said that if the car has a spare tyre in it, the tyre must be in roadworthy condition. But there is no problem if there is no spare.
So when doing certificates and the car has a bald tyre as a spare he takes it out, passes the car and then puts the tyre back in.

A guy at the laser cutters just got pinged for the very same thing.
I told him to take it off the back door and put it in the cargo area, but he didnt
and copped the fine

20th July 2016, 04:39 PM
When I got the GU back to WA I had to put it over the pits for rego, due to not having the 3rd row of seats I was told that I had to remove the seatbelts before they would sign off on it and change it from a 7 seater to a 5 seater.

Yep, I had to do the same in ACT with my old Patrol

20th July 2016, 04:44 PM
So maybe just maybe all these ppl with drawer systems in the back and the belts still showing
are pushing the laws a touch, depends if policeman notices it I suppose

jay see
20th July 2016, 05:17 PM
I don't know how true it is but my mate who does roadworthies in VIC said that if the car has a spare tyre in it, the tyre must be in roadworthy condition. But there is no problem if there is no spare.
So when doing certificates and the car has a bald tyre as a spare he takes it out, passes the car and then puts the tyre back in.
Yep, correct Winnie.
My brother in law used to do them.

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the evil twin
20th July 2016, 06:55 PM
snip... Here in WA fog light are not permitted to be used and my mate pointed this out.

Uuummm... thats a new one to me...since when has it been illegal to use fog lights in WA?

AFAIK they are perfectly OK but must only be used in periods of restricted vis... has that changed?

20th July 2016, 07:02 PM
Uuummm... thats a new one to me...since when has it been illegal to use fog lights in WA?

AFAIK they are perfectly OK but must only be used in periods of restricted vis... has that changed?

Don't know the law ET, that's what he was told and I think I have seen that somewhere else. Anyway fact remains if they are there the gotta work even if the aren't used.

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the evil twin
20th July 2016, 08:47 PM
snip... Anyway fact remains if they are there the gotta work even if the aren't used.

Totally agree with you on that, Cobber

20th July 2016, 09:09 PM
My ARB bull bar has holes for the extra indicators and I'm pretty sure by law if there are holes there I must fit working indicators?

20th July 2016, 09:17 PM
I don't know how true it is but my mate who does roadworthies in VIC said that if the car has a spare tyre in it, the tyre must be in roadworthy condition. But there is no problem if there is no spare.
So when doing certificates and the car has a bald tyre as a spare he takes it out, passes the car and then puts the tyre back in.

That is the case in most states I believe. If you have a spare it must be legal. I dont carry spares. I have always just bought them....

20th July 2016, 09:21 PM
My ARB bull bar has holes for the extra indicators and I'm pretty sure by law if there are holes there I must fit working indicators?

Yeh I believe that 2 be true in NSW as well

20th July 2016, 09:25 PM
I think here it applies to your washer bottle as well. If its there it needs to have water in it.

20th July 2016, 10:11 PM
In QLD the spare tyre is NOT part of a roadworthy inspection, so it can be bald and still pass, i lost a bet on that one, i didn't believe it till the roadworthy guy printed out the rules.

Of course it does not mean you can use the spare legally on the car.

And yes i know someone that got booked in QLD for washers not working , only because the bottle had no water, but i guess legally washers need to work for a reason, and its not a officers job to "diagnose" why something does not work, and ignorance is not much of a excuse these days.

20th July 2016, 11:20 PM
Having just put a vehicle over the pits around a month ago, I was surprised to see the list on what they were picking on.
I knew this vehicle wouldnt pass and I wanted to see what they wanted me to do. It was a Delica btw and in WA.

Things on the list were mainly normal like couple of small oil leaks and worn bushes. Thats all fair enough.
Then the stupid things come up like windscreen washer bottle not full. Sorry mate forgot about filling that up... They wanted to charge $20 for filling that up
Headlights out of adjustment..... Yeah I understand they need to be adjusted right and im not complaining about that. How much did they want to charge for that? $30 !!!!
Front headlight washers not working..... Ummm its an import and they had to be disconnected for compliance in Australia!!!
One oil leak they picked up wasnt an oil leak. It was from me filling the damn thing up with oil in the first place after replacing the rocker gaskets, cam seals and crank seal. Something I thought a mechanic could have clearly seen as it wasnt dirty oil at all.
As for the fog lights on it, they picked on them. They said they cant be yellow. Really? Again how the hell did it gain compliance in the first place with them on.
My dad had a similar thing with a trailer not long ago. Put it over pits. They wanted a new trailer plug on it. How much to install? $75!!

I actually think its more work creation for themselves than anything else and also depends on who you get on the day or workshop you take it to.

21st July 2016, 07:58 AM
My ARB bull bar has holes for the extra indicators and I'm pretty sure by law if there are holes there I must fit working indicators?
I think that if the bar was fitted after 1992(?) it must have indicators fitted on the bar. If there are holes I would suspect that the bar was made after this rule was introduced.

21st July 2016, 07:05 PM
Uuummm... thats a new one to me...since when has it been illegal to use fog lights in WA?

drive through Geraldton on a foggy day with your fog lights on - the cops picked my missus for using them, but let the WRX that was next to her go...............

21st July 2016, 07:07 PM
Uuummm... thats a new one to me...since when has it been illegal to use fog lights in WA?

drive through Geraldton on a foggy day with your fog lights on - the cops picked my missus for using them, but let the WRX that was next to her go............... BTW, her for lights (Factory Fitted to her Cruiser) were NOT yellow
thus was the excuse from the pimply faced Copper

the evil twin
21st July 2016, 08:14 PM
drive through Geraldton on a foggy day with your fog lights on - the cops picked my missus for using them, but let the WRX that was next to her go............... BTW, her for lights (Factory Fitted to her Cruiser) were NOT yellow
thus was the excuse from the pimply faced Copper

None of which makes Fog Lights illegal in W.A.
It only says the Copper was probably an interstate trnasfer from Mansfield.

22nd July 2016, 12:26 AM
you do have a point

I was going to ask him if his mum knew he was out playing cops & tossers

but lucky I was not in the car at the time