View Full Version : These tracks are...

20th June 2014, 04:08 PM
Everywhere in NZ. I think they are ex defence force. One place charged $85 an hour per person to take you out over creeks, mud holes, bogs etc. note the carriage it pulls behind.

20th June 2014, 06:04 PM
Everywhere in NZ. I think they are ex defence force. One place charged $85 an hour per person to take you out over creeks, mud holes, bogs etc. note the carriage it pulls behind.

So did you go for a ride or didn't want to waste your money.
Wouldn't be a quick trip.

20th June 2014, 06:40 PM
See pic one, that was the reason we pulled over :) Damn quilting shops everywhere :), both shops were closed!

20th June 2014, 07:46 PM
See pic one, that was the reason we pulled over :) Damn quilting shops everywhere :), both shops were closed!

Aaaaaaaahh, your a QUILTER.

20th June 2014, 08:56 PM
Aaaaaaaahh, your a QUILTER.

Close, the carrier of quilt shopping :(

20th June 2014, 09:29 PM
Close, the carrier of quilt shopping :(

I understand, at work, a gun carrying macho soldier, at home a quilt carrier.

20th June 2014, 10:08 PM
They are Swedish Bv206 Hagglund tracked vehicles. Can drive on land and water. Both compartments are fully sealed and drive. They are used mostly in this hemisphere down in Antarctica. Look on YouTube to see just what sort of incline they can handle.... Awesome. If you ever go in one, go in the front as the rear compartment is a bit more 'wobbly'.

They have one in Christchurch at the Antarctic center.

21st June 2014, 12:58 AM
Close, the carrier of quilt shopping :(

Ha Ha, I'm also very well qualified/experienced on that front.

21st June 2014, 01:08 AM
Ha Ha, I'm also very well qualified/experienced on that front.

I think we even travelled your way last year to a shop in Ballan or Baccus Marsh :)

22nd June 2014, 12:01 AM
I think we even travelled your way last year to a shop in Ballan or Baccus Marsh :)

Yep, probably the one in Ballan. We've been away overseas and recently moved back, so I've not visited that one, but I've heard it mentioned.

The size of the wife's "quilting stash" can be useful in conversations to justify 4wd bits. :) I'm pretty lucky though as she had her own small shop in Saudi so she got lots of cheap stuff through that which all made it back here. There is not much pressure from her side to add to it at the moment. Quite an adjustment to get used to both 4wd parts prices and Quilting fabric prices here at home! Daily living was definitely cheaper there (even if you take out the necessities like 4wding and quilting and compare optional things like food at the supermarket)