View Full Version : Day trips from Sydney - Kanangra Walls

6th January 2011, 09:59 AM
Another day trip out from Sydney and this one is a little more challenging than the last one we did to Newnes Plateau.

Leaving from Minchinbury in Western Sydney, we headed out to Jenolan Caves where the scenery passes through undulating farming country into the native forest and mountains. The road to Jenolan caves is paved but the decent down to and then back out again from the caves is quite hairy in places and the patrol had its work cut out for it. In some places it was down to first gear and 3500 rpm.

We only stopped at Jenolan Caves for a pit stop and to have a look at Carlotta Arch. Very impressive.

We left the Jenolan Valley and headed into the Kanangra National Park. The road into the park is unsealed and in very good condition and we found ourselves and Kanangra Walls Lookout in very short order.

The view from the lookout is spectacular as you would expect in the mountains and we followed the steps down to the water falls. This is a great cardio workout. What goes down must come back up again! Its a fair hike down to the falls as it is almost all stairs but I wouldn’t call it difficult. My daughter has an injury to her right knee and she made it down and back again without too much trouble.

At the lookout you can explore the plateau and get some more spectacular views of the mountains from a different perspective but we decided to do that another time.

Heading back, we turned off of the main road before the Boyd camping ground and followed the fire trail off into the bush which required 4WD high range right from the start. The trail is negotiable but is rough for most of the trip and you definitely have to watch your speed, line and footing. This was going to be a bit more than just driving down a dirt road.

After about 45mins we came to a significant water crossing. About 60 feet across, 3 feet deep and with a challenging exit up a steep slope over large rocks. I walked the edge of the stream and checked out my line, the depth and although the water was flowing, it wasn’t a strong current. This crossing hadn’t been used in quite a while so the floor would be soft sand in places but what the hell, let’s give it a go! Selecting 4WD low range, 1st gear and revs at 2500, we started across. The water wasn’t too deep but came up to a couple of inches above the floor pan. Found out that my door seals are in reasonable condition and didn’t let in too much water.
Got to the exit and set my line and drove straight up the slope. Whoo Hoo!! My first water crossing and made it first go. Nice.

We headed further into the bush and followed the trail towards the west. This got more difficult and wandered down a mountain side into a deep valley where the Kowmung River flows through. 4WD low range required for this leg. We go to the bottom and found a great spot for a picnic lunch and will be back again, however, looking at the ford and the exit this one I’m not going to attempt. The water was deep, easily waist deep and running quite fast. Decided to give this one a miss with no backup, reasonably remote and with the family in tow and the weather getting ominous (It had been rumbling all afternoon with a thunderstorm rolling in).
Not a great loss. I still had to climb back out again which was a lot of fun anyway and quite challenging.

We will be back this way again and soon to finish off this trek but will start out much earlier than 10am as we did on this trip as this is quite a long trek for one day. Probably will look at spending the night at the Boyd camping ground and then start early the next day off into the bush.

Here is the link to the website that has all of the trips in the Blue Mountains

Here is a link the this trip – Kanangra Walls

6th January 2011, 10:01 AM
Great write up and Pics.
Glad to see you enjoying the Trol

Just like to add that you are wise not to try too difficult of driving whilst by yourself.
Would reconmend that you purchase a good UHF Radio if you do not already have one

6th January 2011, 10:08 AM
Thanks Bob. Although my wife was negative towards me buying the Patrol in the first place, she is now on board only after a couple of trips and the kids dont sit in the back with bored expressions on their faces with their iPods in their ears. They actually sit up and take notice of whats going on around them. I think this was the best thing we have done in a very long time.

6th January 2011, 03:38 PM
Great write up and photos mate, thanks for sharing.

Some great views up there!!!

6th January 2011, 05:57 PM
Thanks heaps for sharing your trip with us, well done mate.

6th January 2011, 08:00 PM
Another very excellent write up Rob, If you want another vehicle 2 travel with up the Mountains, feel free 2 PM me. I haven't done the Kanangra Walls trip, but have been meaning 2, after that write up, I'm going 4 sure :)

7th January 2011, 12:59 AM
Cheers guys.

Thanks Bob, a UHF radio is on the list for this year along with a few other items as well. (Recovery kit, 12V compresor, first aid kit, roof racks/cage)

toddrhind - There are a few trips up in that part of the mountains and I am starting to plan one now for the School holidays in April. Will probably find a central caravan park to setup camp for the family (Wife will not go camping without a flushing toilet and hot showers........) and use that as a base.

I might put up a post in the "Trips n Treks" section in the next week or so and see if anyone else would like to tag along. Your welcome to. I'll put together 4 x 1 day treks from a central point and see where that goes.



3rd September 2012, 04:57 PM
Done a day trip out to Kanangra Walls on Sunday Rob, still a small bit of snow / ice on the ground on the way out there :), would be a hairy trip on some of those roads up through Jenolan Caves in Winter.

3rd September 2012, 08:47 PM
Would be interested in a weekend trip up there in the coming weeks if anyone is interested. Would also set up camp either Friday night and come back Sunday or just Saturday and come back Sunday.

7th September 2012, 02:56 AM
Looks like a good trip, I might have to think about doing it 1 day soon considering its not that far from me