View Full Version : Taskforce shuts down illegal activity in Alpine National Park

29th June 2013, 08:44 PM
Just some Vic news I came across, still trying to get my head around some idiot cut a wooden fence up for firewood!


Taskforce shuts down illegal activity in Alpine National Park over the Queen's Birthday weekend
Tuesday 18 June, 2013

Visitor safety and park protection have been the aim of recent compliance activity between Parks Victoria and Victoria Police in the Alpine National Park, north of Licola.

Authorised officers have been undertaking regular patrols, targeting illegal behaviour throughout Gippsland’s remote high country, resulting in a high number of infringement notices and prosecutions pending for more serious offences.

The patrols conducted over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend included the seizure of several firearms. Other offences detected included illegal campfires, off road driving, taking vehicles behind seasonally closed gates, and bringing dogs into the park. Significant criminal damage to national park assets also occurred over the weekend.

Parks Victoria Ranger in Charge of the Wonnangatta Moroka area of the Alpine National Park, Mike Dower, said park visitors should be able to explore parks safely and without encountering this level of illegal activity.

“Rangers will continue to conduct targeted compliance operations in four wheel drives and on trail bikes across the entire Alpine National Park for a range of illegal activities that have been reported.

Mr Downer said of most concern was the destruction of timber posts and fences outside the heritage-listed Moroka Hut.

“The fence was cut up with a chainsaw for firewood and transported to a nearby campground. The offender was interviewed by a Parks Victoria Authorised Officer. The matter will now be transferred to Victoria Police for follow up,” he said.

Parks Victoria will continue to run compliance operations on a regular basis in the remote areas of the Gippsland High Country.

For information on hunting regulations in the Alpine regions of Victoria go to http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/game-hunting

29th June 2013, 08:48 PM
Darwinism .... these people need not breath our air!!!!

30th June 2013, 01:34 AM
These are type of f wits that ruin it for the rest of us!

30th June 2013, 08:56 AM
X 2 with you Stropp just a few idiots will close down the high country in the blink of an eye.
We are very very lucky in Vic to has this asset on our back door and to have a few Clowns cut up signs/fences for fire wood
is just not on,. I've said it in other posts if I see anyone acting like a clown and doing the wrong thing I will take rego numbers
and hand them on. This high country is for us all to enjoy, same as anywhere else take out what you bring in, and leave any campsites better than how you
found them. Our spot on the Murray used to have a plaque nailed to a tree in memory of someones mate, over the years the
sign has disappeared along with the redgum table and chairs {fire wood}. Don't let the Greenie get their way and close these areas up to all who venture to enjoy it.

11th October 2013, 12:00 PM
I also had a pic posted on my Facebook of an area just passed Walhalla of 'road spikes' literally dug into the ground across 4wd tracks :( just shows how many idiots are out there unfortunately

11th October 2013, 12:04 PM
And after the bushfire in January around that area, then subsequent heavy rains, I cannot believe the amount of 4wd's that had to be towed out of 'creeks' (they were overflowing rivers) and idiots bypassing the Road Closed signs. These people were unaware that their insurance would not cover them as they were on 'closed tracks'

11th October 2013, 05:08 PM
.........and they breed too.

11th October 2013, 05:18 PM
Unfortunately they do NP99 .... and people wonder why all these places are being closed off from the public. We have tracks in Gippsland that the DSE wont grade etc, because they just don't want people in the area.

11th October 2013, 05:32 PM
Very very disappointing to read this, as said the powers that be will close the area and the rest of us suffer.
I haven't been to the high country yet and do hope it will be open when I finally get a chance.

While preparing for our recent CSR trip there was mention of well timber being used in campfires, you have to be bloody joking to think that is in any way acceptable.
Oxygen thieves.

11th October 2013, 05:42 PM
And just yesterday I heard on the radio that the camp site at Torongo Falls was possibly to be closed after some brainless dorks vandalised the toilets there.

11th October 2013, 06:57 PM
I don't read the magazines that are in the newsagents, do they condemn this sort of behaviour?
What little I have seen, one of them seems to encourage the "bogan" to get out in the bush. Nothing wrong with being a "bogan" but add a handful of "drop kick" to the gene pool and then trouble starts.
I have stopped a bloke cutting down live trees at a Forrest's Camp near here, old bastard like me taking on a 18 year old with a chainsaw, he packed up and peed off in about 20 minutes.
The old heart rate was a bit elevated until he left.... LOL

11th October 2013, 07:13 PM
Only just heard that about Torongo Falls on our local news tonight Cuppa .... another beautiful place

11th October 2013, 07:19 PM
I live in a beautiful area ... been thru at least 4 bushfires in the last 7 years, but this mindless crap does way more damage. Only a Learner 4wd'er, but so many tracks are being left closed or unmaintained because of a'holes.
Old Bar ??? Old Bastard ??? lol ....

11th October 2013, 07:31 PM
Yep about right, that day anyway...

1st December 2014, 10:36 AM
I agree, some people really need to get an idea and stop ruining it for all of us who go out to enjoy bush camping. anyway, hopping off the soapbox...........

1st December 2014, 12:23 PM
There is a number you can ring if in Victoria if you see any clowns doing do-nuts driving off the track[within reason]
it doesn't have to be the high country, Rego, time, make, model and colour of 4x4 . Its easier now with most having a camera phone handy.
This is a pet hate of mine and I wll turn in any one I see doing the wrong thing,

1st December 2014, 12:30 PM
Good on you John, others need to do the same.

2nd December 2014, 01:40 PM
I'll admit to being a bit of a bogan myself, I love doing burnouts and doughnuts and all that sort of jazz. But I do it on private property, not on tracks that everyone uses, and definitely never in a campsite. Private property is one thing, but look after the bush when you go out camping!!! Nothing more annoying than rocking up to a beautiful spot, that has a couple skid marks leading away from a pile of rubbish. Just puts a damper on the whole trip.

2nd December 2014, 01:48 PM
There is a number you can ring if in Victoria if you see any clowns doing do-nuts driving off the track[within reason] it doesn't have to be the high country, Rego, time, make, model and colour of 4x4 . Its easier now with most having a camera phone handy. This is a pet hate of mine and I wll turn in any one I see doing the wrong thing,

In qld you can use the hoon hotline, 13HOON

Or go online and report it.