View Full Version : $24 for a 6 pack of Stella....

15th January 2013, 04:06 PM
Picking up some parts for my trailer and thought I would grab a cold one for the journey home....

Thought there was some kind of mistake when I saw the price of $24 for a 6 pack of Stella... asked the 4 blokes standing up at the counter and they said it was the post code that is why..... Tullamarine ????

I told him I work in Toorak and there was no way in hell they would pay that??

Walked out and went elsewhere ...

Besides some remote place what is your worst example of rip off pricks!!!!

15th January 2013, 04:10 PM
Tell em' they're dreamin'!!! ~ $9.00 for a single can of FOSTERS (ick!) during the 'lympics! Never get over that!

DX grunt
15th January 2013, 04:13 PM
My country hairdresser charges $10 for a number 2 haircut. I'm in the city and got the same haircut for $23.50!!

Everybody has to earn a living, but really. They've lost a customer when I'm next in the city.

15th January 2013, 04:16 PM
Any food or drink at an AFL game = RIPOFF

15th January 2013, 04:16 PM
$8 for a large can of "V" soft drink in servo just before Shep a few years back. no biggie last meet up at Bearii paid for 3 bags of ice and left them there.40 plus temps
gotta get off these meds

DX buy one of those buzz cutters for $20 and do youself save yourself heaps

15th January 2013, 04:20 PM
DX buy one of those buzz cutters for $20 and do youself save yourself heaps

That's what I do, some would say 'why bother' as it's a waste of time.

15th January 2013, 04:26 PM
My country hairdresser charges $10 for a number 2 haircut. I'm in the city and got the same haircut for $23.50!!

Everybody has to earn a living, but really. They've lost a customer when I'm next in the city.

Yep I get the number 2 as well and Its criminal to charge that money...I see it in the suburban area hairdressers.

It takes them a whole 1 minute for me...lol....Your better off buying a Kmart clipper for $20 and get 1 year usage before it goes blunt...lol

15th January 2013, 04:50 PM
I love this forum...The thread starts with ridiculously overpriced beer and ends up about hair clippers....hahahaha
...and for the record the $20 clippers are tops...lol and Stella is cats pi55

the evil twin
15th January 2013, 05:03 PM
My country hairdresser charges $10 for a number 2 haircut. I'm in the city and got the same haircut for $23.50!!

Your haircut is still $10 in the City, Cobber... the extra $13.50 is for the remedial therapy for the stylist.

Stylists aren't as pschologically prepared for a visit from you as hairdressers... and I'll bet thats with a lycra discount as well, sweet cheeks ;)

15th January 2013, 05:04 PM
I love this forum...The thread starts with ridiculously overpriced beer and ends up about hair clippers....hahahaha
...and for the record the $20 clippers are tops...lol and Stella is cats pi55

Ba ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! farrkin pissed myself Kris!!!!

15th January 2013, 05:14 PM
I understand that people have to make a profit but nobody likes being ripped off

15th January 2013, 05:16 PM
Stella = wife beaters in my country of Scotland. On a good booze buy I payed $20 for 10 cans of some cider on the weekend 4.5% alcohol and heaps better than strongbow kinda like bulmers with out the price tag

15th January 2013, 05:20 PM
Yeah my brother inlaw says Stella is just cheap piss in Europe and the Poms go over to Europe in a van and fill it then drive back to merry old England!!!!

I still stand by my Aldi beer that is basically Stella for $30 a slab!!!!!!! $15 less than Stella for the same beer!!!!

15th January 2013, 05:22 PM
Just like Corona is crap beer in Mexico yet people overhype the crap out of it over here

15th January 2013, 05:24 PM
And I've never seen fosters on tap here but have had it on tap in scotland

15th January 2013, 05:27 PM
And I've never seen fosters on tap here but have had it on tap in scotland

Did you like it????????????

15th January 2013, 05:32 PM
I think it was about $38 for a 6 pack of any full strength beer at Yalara in NT near Uluru!! CRAZY DEAR! Drove 40 minutes down the road and bought back a box of Thooheys New for $70 BARGAIN Hey!!

15th January 2013, 05:35 PM
I'd have to disagree on the cats piss. I have finally found a beer that I can drink lots of and not feel bloated. The Aldi equivalent is $15 cheaper a slab but I found I had the bloating feeling after about six so back to the stella. Plus drinking it from an ice cold glass is awesome too. Don't get me started on that VB chit. Was chit when they first made, chit when they changed it and chit now again. But each to their own.
As for rips off's. 149 cents per litre for diesel is absolute hi-way robbery. Cost me $145 just to fill the tank and half the sub tank yesty :O

15th January 2013, 06:24 PM
If only our beer was that cheap

15th January 2013, 06:33 PM
Lol my GUIV costs me $245 to fill the long range tank and the sub tank in Geelong. Crazy stuff!

15th January 2013, 06:34 PM
At winton I paid 51$ for a carton of xxxx golds !! 8$for 2 loaf of bread that once defrosted had mould on it lmao not happy jan! Lol 2x2lrt milks they had a deal for 9$ lmao what's the usual price !

15th January 2013, 06:51 PM
If you are afer a really refreshing, really tasty, Aussie lager go for the Stone and Wood lager or the James Squire Sun down Australian Lager. Both are top shelf beers and not all that much more than the mass produced vomit that gets mistaken for beer.

15th January 2013, 07:15 PM
I can honestly say that fosters in England Ireland tastes a Hell of a lot different than the fosters we get here. It's actually good kinda like crownies but better. For me it's Swan draught all the way. Some people like the running bird (emu export) but be f&$@ed if I would drink it. When I was 18 it was emu bitter then I grew some taste buds

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

15th January 2013, 07:20 PM
$96 for a carton of VB cans in Bamaga in 1983, passed and drank Bundy from bottle $20

15th January 2013, 07:51 PM
Got it covered guys at my place it`s less than 50cents a pint of full strength and tastes heaps better than your fancy pretend to be imported beers
Price in the out back is due to government allowing operators to rip people off .
It`s the same for diesel we, Joe public are paying at least 30% more at the pump to compensate the discounts the mining and trucking company's get

15th January 2013, 09:10 PM
Back in June 2012 at well 33 on the Canning fuel was $3.40 a lt and a hot shower was $10.

16th January 2013, 10:48 AM
Picking up some parts for my trailer and thought I would grab a cold one for the journey home....

Thought there was some kind of mistake when I saw the price of $24 for a 6 pack of Stella... asked the 4 blokes standing up at the counter and they said it was the post code that is why..... Tullamarine ????

I told him I work in Toorak and there was no way in hell they would pay that??

Walked out and went elsewhere ...

Besides some remote place what is your worst example of rip off pricks!!!!

My local rippoff watering hole charges whatever they like
Its $5.50 or $6 for a can of jimmie
We paid $100 for a carton of UDLs around 8/9 years ago
There reasoning for the massive prices are,"Its the freight to get here "
HMMM,i can drive 20 Ks further away,from town and from brissie and pay brissie prices, and drive another 40 Ks again and get it cheaper still .....
People stop there and go "Holey sheeeeet,if thats the price here,itll be dearer further away"
Thats how he makes the money
He isnt called gold finger for nothin
He doesnt own half the town by being honest either

16th January 2013, 11:09 AM
Just to add insult to injury,

My local BWS has wife beater(Stella) for $42 a box at the moment, that's a bit better than $96


16th January 2013, 11:23 AM
I love this forum...The thread starts with ridiculously overpriced beer and ends up about hair clippers....hahahaha
...and for the record the $20 clippers are tops...lol and Stella is cats pi55

X2 on both accounts on that

16th January 2013, 12:07 PM
My local rippoff watering hole charges whatever they like
Its $5.50 or $6 for a can of jimmie

Ha! That's cheap mate.... Anywhere in tas your looking at $8 or $9 for a can of jimmy over the bar and even more for jacks.

About $47 - $53 for a carton of boags (draught) and you blokes can get it way cheaper on the mainland. The brewery is only an hour and a half away from me..... Talk about a ripoff!!

Tap, crackle, pop

16th January 2013, 12:14 PM
its cheaper now in bunbury to buy 4 middies rather than 1 jug of beer, 1 jug =$17-$20
1 middy = $3.80-$4.50 depending on which beer is on tap

16th January 2013, 02:16 PM
If you are afer a really refreshing, really tasty, Aussie lager go for the Stone and Wood lager or the James Squire Sun down Australian Lager. Both are top shelf beers and not all that much more than the mass produced vomit that gets mistaken for beer.

x2 on that! Also like the 150 lashes (pale ale)!


16th January 2013, 05:11 PM
Ha! That's cheap mate.... Anywhere in tas your looking at $8 or $9 for a can of jimmy over the bar and even more for jacks.

About $47 - $53 for a carton of boags (draught) and you blokes can get it way cheaper on the mainland. The brewery is only an hour and a half away from me..... Talk about a ripoff!!

Hey Lucas,

55 bucks a box for Boags premium up here, have paid 40 bucks a box(2 for $80) leading up to Chrissy, wouldn't that rip the fork outa ya undies.


16th January 2013, 05:23 PM
Hey Lucas,

55 bucks a box for Boags premium up here, have paid 40 bucks a box(2 for $80) leading up to Chrissy, wouldn't that rip the fork outa ya undies.


Yeah premium is over $55 a carton here.... Closer to $60!!!
Damn bastards!!

Tap, crackle, pop

17th January 2013, 02:52 AM
Christ, we get completely reamed when it comes to prices! I know some guys who used to live in the US, and they ALWAYS bitch about how overpriced beer is here.

17th January 2013, 02:58 AM
My country hairdresser charges $10 for a number 2 haircut. I'm in the city and got the same haircut for $23.50!!

Everybody has to earn a living, but really. They've lost a customer when I'm next in the city.

You mean to tell us that you actually paid for that mop chop!!!!????? I thought you did it yourself Hahahaha

To tap, or not to tap: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?

17th January 2013, 05:00 AM
Here in vic I can buy 30 cans of boags for $40 and in tas it was something like $50 for 24!!!

What! You get boags in cans??
I feel totally ripped off! We only get that wonderfully green honey in cans.lol

.........on the move

17th January 2013, 05:11 AM
What! You get boags in cans??
I feel totally ripped off! We only get that wonderfully green honey in cans.lol

.........on the move

You're sick cackle

Slap N Tap ;)