View Full Version : td42 chugging at idle

7th May 2012, 12:53 PM
Hi all, my 1993 turbo diesel gq patroll has started "chugging" or tractoring as one bloke at work calls it,engine runs ok just chuggs when ideling, I did do the filters and oil recently although had to take the fuel filter they gave me back coz it was the wrong one, I was going to install the new one this week.

any ideas? I have run two tanks of diesel through with injector clean, hasent seemed to help.

7th May 2012, 07:21 PM
Could be a timing issue. Does it still run ok while driving? No noticeable decreases in power or anything? The idle could also need adjusting. How old is pump she may be getting a little tired? Does it start easy? Sorry about all the questions but it will give us a better idea of whats going on

7th May 2012, 10:15 PM
I inherted this from my Dad, he passed away at xmas so I dont know much about it, Ive been driving it for about 2 months now, its my first 4wd and has always run well, I drive it too work everyday and so far its been a faithfull old beast.
it accelerates very well for something its size, starts easy, uses surprisingly little fuel, just started chugging about a week after I changed filters and oil.