View Full Version : Help Ease My Doubt About Buying a New GU8 - Fuel Economy & 3ltr concerns?

29th April 2012, 12:26 PM
Hi everyone,

Hubby & I have a budget of around $50k

We were pretty certain beforehand that we'd be buying a Patrol.

That was until we came across all the negative feedback on the 3ltr engines and Nissan refusing to admit liability with so many of the problems/not covering warranty etc.

My concerns over buying a Patrol now are:

3ltr engines not good for long term ownership (this car would need to last us a long time)
Fuel economy - Everything I've read says Patrols have the worst fuel economy.
Safety - bad safety ratings compared to competitors.

BUT I still do want one, call me crazy! Nobody can fix the safety ratings (except Nissan) so that's something I need to take into account, but I figured you guys could address the other 2 problems:

3ltr & Fuel Economy.

We'll be travelling Australia for a couple of years, so need a car that can do what we ask of it.

The other option is buying an 05/06 4.2ltr but I refuse to pay close to 60k for a 2nd hand one with over 100k on the clock (unless it really is THAT much difference that it's a justified purchase?)

Totally confused, and the only other option we're looking at is a Prado OR Pathfinder, but the pathy probably isn't going to cut it off road and we'd still have to deal with Nissan warranty issues.

My brain is tired of thinking/worrying about it to be honest! Any option will be better than our current 87 Ford Courier LOL!!

29th April 2012, 01:15 PM
With that money mate, I'd be getting a late model, low mileage GU TD4.2t and using the remaining cash to add mods for touring ... best (and I mean BEST) engine in the line up ever - should get into a top notch one for around the late 30's/early 40's mark and the remainder can be spent on decent touring mods to meet your specific needs.

Just my two cents ...

the evil twin
29th April 2012, 02:16 PM
Well IMHO it won't matter too much what new vehicle you buy these days. My Ford Ranger 'grenaded' at 101,000 K's. Yep 1,000 K's out of the warranty. Ford made an ex gratia offer to pay for parts and the lease had to pay for labour, towing etc.

As for buying an MY06 TD42. Well it isn't just the engine that 'wears out' on a vehicle. Suspension, Accesories, Interior, Equipment level, Electricals, A/C etc are all going to be 7 years old before you drive it 1 kilometre. Sure they can be fixed or swapped but then you always seem to be dipping in the sky rocket anyway.

I am on my 4th Patrol over many years and I have an MY07 CRD with 110,000 K's on it. Would I buy a series 8 when it comes off lease? No, I would keep this one but the current deal of $58 K Drive Away for an ST is a pretty good start to negotiate from for anyone changing into a Patrol... but... they are old technology, really old technology actually. The ZD30 engine is close to 15 years old and the live axle front end one of the last on the road but that is 'cause you can't kill 'em with a land mine.

The flip side of that tho is... where are you going on your trip? Down the beaches, up the forestry trails, remote waterfalls, Canning Stock Route, Tanami, Great Central etc. Well, almost any 4X will do that. The main Patrol claim to fame is the solid running gear for that really tough rock climb or extremely rutted out track. Will you be doing those types of driving going around Aus?

Fuel?... mine has returned 12.5 LPH averaged over 65,000 K's and uses just shy of 15 LPH towing our camper. I don't think you will find many other trucks of the size that will do noticeably better. Our prev TD42 didn't. It did it easier but also slower

Reliability?... will a new ZD30 CRD last on average say 200,000 K's and 10 years?... can't see why not myself. My only complaint is the Dual mass Flywheel cost of you have clutch issues... and mine has outlasted the POS Ranger heap of crap.

Warranty?... I have had no troubles with Nissan to date (but allow that other people have) and I purchased the extended factory warranty.

Bottom line is that it is a personal thing... you are pretty much going to have to go with your gut. New Patrols are great value for money at the moment as they are reaching end of life in the current form and we are going to be the last market.

29th April 2012, 05:03 PM
Ree,Some wise words above, as we've come to expect, from the Evil Twin. I also think that the reliability of the common rail models [as distinct from the DI pre 07 models] is probably not that much different to any other manufacturers high tech diesel. However, as ET has said, the engine is old tech and the auto transmission is even older. These 2 factors particularly affect fuel consumption. eg. on an extended trip where my Patrol has returned 14.5 l/100k a mate's 08 Prado diesel auto has done 10.5.This plus it's 180 l fuel capacity give them an excellent range, and the fact that they have 2 fuel filters also appeals to me.
With after-market suspension they'll also go almost anywhere a Patrol will go, and their carrying capacity is from memory a bit better. BUT, and it's a big but, they are more expensive, and in my opinion do need the 2inch lift to compete with a standard Patrol. I think some of their underside is still more exposed and liable to off road damage, but sensible use would negate that to a large extent.
For better fuel consumption and better towing capacity a manual would be my choice of Patrols for touring Australia, but if money was not limited and I was not intending to attempt really rocky off road tracks, I think the D4D Prados with either transmission would be hard to beat.

29th April 2012, 07:35 PM
Hi Ree, my 2 cents worth if I may.
Get the new GU 8 , It will do everything you want and more. The 3 litre hand grenade is a thing of the past. CRI engines have been around for a while now from all manufacturers and with the advance of the OBD systems most garages can locate and repair faults. If you want one to keep, get the manual, cheaper to buy and you don't have to worry about it again.
Yes the Patrol is showing its age but we keep buying them and we keep telling Nissan how good they are and the things we like about them. Why would they change it.
If you want to mod a Patrol in any way shape or form some mad bugger has done it and is willing to share the details. Just look on this site for endless ideas.
Bigrig's coments are valid, you can make a hell of a fourby with the cash saved getting a second hand 4.2 and modding it.
If you want a keeper, for the money the Prado just doesn't look the goods to me. ( I guess your post on a Prado forum will tell you different.)

Don't know if my ravings help or confuse you but good luck whichever way you go. The fact your going touring is the most important thing.

30th April 2012, 08:27 PM

If you are going to do any hard tracks, buy a new Patrol. If you are only going to do touring and the occassional tough tracks buy a dual cab ute.

I had a dual cab ute and it went everywhere but not easily like my CRD Patrol.

1st May 2012, 06:33 PM
Just bought gu8 patrol very happy with it. Done two tanks and consistently returning around 11.8 lt 100km. I would stay clear off the autos as they can tend to use more juice. Can't go wrong for a brand new truck drive away at $49k!

2nd May 2012, 05:10 PM

I would buy a GU ZD30 Patrol anytime. Miine is a 2001 totally reliable up to now with 202,000 kms on the clock.


2nd May 2012, 05:31 PM
I would personally buy a new car compared to one 7-8 years old. Although the 4.2 is generally reliable, you can't beat new car warranty and knowing you've owned it from new. You'll know EXACTLY what service history it will have and have control over how its driven from the start of its life. And you'll have 7-8 years head start on all other aspects! As mentioned, the 3.0L 'grenade' problems were a thing of the past, mainly back between 00-02. You may easily buy an older 4.2 that has constant problems and you're struck for big $$!!

As mentioned fuel economy is quite reasonable, I think there may have been some issues with fuel quality as most of the modern CRD are very picky.

I would buy with confidence! Good luck :)


2nd May 2012, 07:23 PM
Talking about fuel economy, we are yet to see anyone having a GU8 with high consumption.....if there is I would love to hear.
So far the reports I have seen have been very positive. Mine is between 10 and 13l/100 just general driving.I have noticed that when my tanks are full I get heaps better economy as well...strange I know but might be something to do with fuel pressure?????

3rd May 2012, 01:02 PM
Talking about fuel economy, we are yet to see anyone having a GU8 with high consumption.....if there is I would love to hear.
So far the reports I have seen have been very positive. Mine is between 10 and 13l/100 just general driving.I have noticed that when my tanks are full I get heaps better economy as well...strange I know but might be something to do with fuel pressure?????

This is an interesting thread as I have exactly the same questions like Ree on this. Nisspat, could you please tell, the positive reports on fuel consumptions including yours, are they (or is yours) based on standard tyres (size and being of H/T pattern)? If people who have upsized the tyres (just a bit e.g. from 70 to 75 aspect ratio), A/T with LT construction still get that fuel consumption that'll be a big tick on the list for me.

3rd May 2012, 01:45 PM
This is an interesting thread as I have exactly the same questions like Ree on this. Nisspat, could you please tell, the positive reports on fuel consumptions including yours, are they (or is yours) based on standard tyres (size and being of H/T pattern)? If people who have upsized the tyres (just a bit e.g. from 70 to 75 aspect ratio), A/T with LT construction still get that fuel consumption that'll be a big tick on the list for me.

Hey JM2004, My economy is with standard Bridgestone tyres D693's. As I said it varies between 10 and 13l/100 depending on what sort of driving mood I'm in...LOL but mostly around 11/100. Mine has a bit of weight on it now as well so I'm very happy. Here's what is on mine currently (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?8738-NissPats-GU8-is-finally-here&highlight=nisspats)

I won't have bigger tyres till the end of the year so may be someone else can report their figures.

4th May 2012, 09:16 AM
I'm getting around 12-14L/100 (towing the camper trailer seems to go up to 13-15L/100) on standard factory tyres but have just had the snorkel fitted this week along with some other bits so will see if that changes the figures.

4th May 2012, 10:47 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. Much appreciated. I was actually pointed today to this website http://www.howsafeisyourcar.com.au/Search?make=nissan&model=Patrol where Monash University ratings from real life crash outcomes give the Patrol 5 stars! That eases my worries a bit.

We went and checked out the 2011 Patrol on the lot, and the new issue we have is that the back seats are 50/50 split which means one child would need to sit right on the split of the seat, which seems as though it could get pretty uncomfortable on long trips.

I can't believe how small they seem inside, the glove box is TINY compared to what you get in other cars lol, we'd only been in a friend's 1992 GQ before taking a look at the GU on the lot.

While we were there though, someone traded in a 2003 Patrol 4.2ltr with 130,000kms which they will give us for 36,990 that actually seems like a good price...... seems the more we research the more confused I am haha, but we need to make a decision :S

4th May 2012, 01:47 PM
Gday, just another point I heard on a car show once that made a lot of sense was, when haggling a price, think of it in terms of fuel......if you get $1000 off, well that's $1000 of fuel you just saved.

Tap, crackle, pop

4th May 2012, 03:21 PM
well I have no doubt about buying a new GU8 for sure .......NO ! NO! NO! why because I cant afford it .....Plus I LOVE my GQ TOO MUCH sorry guys useless post !!!

4th May 2012, 08:16 PM
I bought a 09 GU a year ago with 40k on the dial and it cost me $42000, Stock with a snorkle ill get 12-13 L/100 around town and on the highway 11-12 L/100. im quite happy with that.

7th May 2012, 01:10 PM
Hi all, I own a 2002 3.0 Auto ST, it has 260,000 km's on the clock and it has given me stirling service, apart from normal servicing it has not cost me a cent in repairs. It can tow our 6m Whittley boat with no problems. I think the tow weight is around 1.9 t. The Patrol will slow up a bit on hills when towing, but it is not a traffic stopper. Love the Auto for off road and driving in the sand. As we are planing to do an around Aust trip with a Caravan I am currently looking at options available, but still think will stay with a Patrol as they are one tough and reliable vehicle.
Chers, Gforce

allan f
9th May 2012, 06:39 AM
i get ( both tanks ) just over 1000ks on a trip using cruse and about 650ks fully loaded up for work towing trailer 1.5 t . would like better but dont we all

9th May 2012, 06:27 PM
just filled up and after 500km got exactly 13L/100km this was mixed dirt and black top but no low range

10th May 2012, 09:42 PM
So far very happy with my 2010 GU tray back that I got 2nd hand with 18000 km on it last year. Only one minor issue I've had was a small crack in the dump pipe that turned out to be a dodgey bit of welding - replaced under warranty with no questions asked even though servicing has been done elsewhere. Fuel economy varies depending on weight towed and my right foot but empty and normal it's 12-13 lt/100 but punted hard and loaded plus towing it can be a lot more.

Cheers Nip

9th July 2012, 09:48 AM

I have a GU zd30 md03 with 62K kms on it. Injection pump was changed at 50K kms. Can you tell us how you maintain yours? we could adopt your method do ours will last too as yours.

Thank you.

9th July 2012, 01:11 PM
Nissan are offering 1% finance at the moment if thats any help

9th July 2012, 01:26 PM
Anyone addressed resale value, my budget was$25K for that 2 years ago I got an 04 ST 100 on the clock and never been off road, OR a late 90's 80s tojo with 360 plus K on it, did not want a manual 100s think the Prado would keep its value better IMO as most tojos do

9th July 2012, 01:30 PM
I have done less then 2000km in my GU8 Auto but fuel econ sits around 13ltrs/100km
I prev had a 4.2ltr GU and had been holding off till they sorted out the 3ltrs and finances were ok, the misses wanted auto i prefered the onroad performance of the manual but getting use to the auto and towing with the auto will be much nicer.
I got the simpson pack which has a few nice goodies included.
I also looked at prados but found the middle seat next to useless with 3 kids ( it only around 20cm wide and was like sitting on a brick) and they are only going to get bigger

23rd December 2012, 03:19 PM
I have a GU8 Ti Auto and have terrible fuel economy since i bought it. I have tried everything and still no joy.

currently 18,000kms.

often ill average 18-25L per 100 over a full tank with lots of freeway.
driving on a hard beach will be consistent 25-30L/100.
driving up the soft sand will give 50L/100 with the camper will give 60-70L/100
towing camper will be 20L up the freeway.
driving city ill get 30L/100

lowest i have ever had is 14L/100 which was pure freeway and I have never done it since.

Recently did a trip to Fraser island, driving up and down the beach i still averaged 1/2 a tank per day.
Did a trip from eastern beach to Kingfisher bay used a full tank.

left rainbow beach with 3/4 of the main tank and hit fuel well before Caboolture BP.
while on Fraser it was not uncommon to use1/2 tank to 100kms.

Trip to LCMP from Brisabne and back, did 320kms to a full tank, this includes driving both ways.

I dont drive with a lead foot as I do like my car, no fuel leaks and no black smoke.
when i got the car it had 1/3rd of a tank and i drove to brisbane from noosa and i was well into the red light.

as a long time Nissan owner i feel Nissan's response to any warranty issue is pathetic (i have other mechanical issues which they are not interested in dealing with), and as expected are not willing to look into fuel concern even with documentation from a fuel card and ODO readings. I even have GPS logs!

After recent issues with this car and Nissan's response i have decided this will be my last Nissan product and I do feel this is an 80k lemon.

if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

23rd December 2012, 03:22 PM
Forgot to add, The high fuel consumption issue is well documented. there seems to be a clear division between owners getting 10-13 or 18-25 L/100. you are either in one group or the other.

some have pegged this as a snorkel ram effect issue, this does not seem to be true as I had my snorkel installed later on and this made no change.

23rd December 2012, 03:48 PM
My GU8 is the best car I've had by far, on and off road ( well the little off road it's seen)
13ltrs per 100ks with DPChip on 6 and 3" exhaust. 23584
Sorry bout the finger.

23rd December 2012, 04:34 PM
My GU8 is the best car I've had by far, on and off road ( well the little off road it's seen)
13ltrs per 100ks with DPChip on 6 and 3" exhaust.
Sorry bout the finger.

what seats are they? look good.

23rd December 2012, 05:09 PM
Hi jasin,

I'm with Mego, GU8 Auto, 10,000 k's and very happy. Best is just around 11L p/100, worst just over 13L p/100. This was both per and post Snorkel. Again not much 4WDing but do drag a Jayco Eagle Offroad around at times and still happy with the economy.
Looks like you definitely have an issue and understand your concerns. Nissans response is crap, not sure if you can follow it up with an independent authority? Good luck and don't give up.


27th December 2012, 05:16 PM
i have noticed this scenario also(hilux,patrol,jackaroo) and im wondering if its more fuel temperature.hop out and feel tank when level is low and tanks are often warm,cold fuel runs so much better(imho)
Talking about fuel economy, we are yet to see anyone having a GU8 with high consumption.....if there is I would love to hear.
So far the reports I have seen have been very positive. Mine is between 10 and 13l/100 just general driving.I have noticed that when my tanks are full I get heaps better economy as well...strange I know but might be something to do with fuel pressure?????

27th December 2012, 05:20 PM
I have had pretty good fuel economy out out both my CRD Patrols.

I was a little nervous going to the new one, just in case it wasn't going to be as good, but they have both showed nearly identical fuel use, with the same driver ( me )


27th December 2012, 05:48 PM
what seats are they? look good.

LOL! The seat photo made an appearance again......nice seats though....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27th December 2012, 07:53 PM
LOL! The seat photo made an appearance again......nice seats though....

Couldn't resist the calling.

27th December 2012, 09:10 PM
I took delivery of my GU8 about a month ago. So far all driving has been around town with air con on with out side temps usually around 40c. I average 11.9 L/per100. I expect that to improve a little once the engine/drive train has had a bit of time to free up a bit. I reckon thats pretty good for such a big vehicle....

28th December 2012, 11:39 PM
My GU8 im getting 16L/100km with a snorkel and not towing anything and can't get it any lower than that.

29th December 2012, 04:17 AM
My GU8 im getting 16L/100km with a snorkel and not towing anything and can't get it any lower than that.

Probably driving it like a go cart. You have to remember its 2800kg with a 4 cyl. Keep revs under 2500rpm for all gear changes. Take cruise off hilly roads. I get about 14L/100Km with a fully loaded boat in tow.

29th December 2012, 09:31 AM
Well its got 30,000km on the clock and I drive like a nanny.

Probably driving it like a go cart. You have to remember its 2800kg with a 4 cyl. Keep revs under 2500rpm for all gear changes. Take cruise off hilly roads. I get about 14L/100Km with a fully loaded boat in tow.

29th December 2012, 10:09 AM
Hi everyone,

Hubby & I have a budget of around $50k

We were pretty certain beforehand that we'd be buying a Patrol.

We'll be travelling Australia for a couple of years, so need a car that can do what we ask of it.

The other option is buying an 05/06 4.2ltr but I refuse to pay close to 60k for a 2nd hand one with over 100k on the clock (unless it really is THAT much difference that it's a justified purchase?)

We bought our '06 ex Telstra 4.2 with 150,000kms for $31k. It had had a hard life but had been regularly serviced with replacement rather than repair when necessary. It also came ready fitted out with the necessities for remote travel.

Our plans are similar to yours - long term ownership & around Australia travel.

The two reasons we decided to go with the 4.2 Patrol.
1. It's reputation for longevity (motor & transmission).
2. When wanting to hire a 4wd for exploring the Dampier Peninsula from Broome, the only vehicles that any of the many hire companies would allow to go up there were Landcruisers & Patrols. They had a variety of other 4wd's for hire, but reckoned that whilst capable they just didn't hold together as well over time. This told us something about the relative 'toughness' of these vehicles compared to others. We couldn't afford the extra to buy a Toyota.

The 4.2 is quite heavy on fuel.
It also gets left at the lights by the 3.0 litre models ..... but will cruise happily at 90kph to 110kph, with plenty left for overtaking. And let's face it , long term travel around the country is not a race. Our average cruising speed in our Nissan Civilian bus when travelling around the country was 80kph, with a max of 105kph (downhill, wind behind us!). This was only ever an issue on busy roads, & we'd pull over to let traffic pass if it built up behind us, but most of Australia's roads our slowness was never an issue. When we got the Patrol it felt like a relative speed machine! :-)

Hope this might help in your decision making, but whatever you end up getting, you,ll find folks driving just about every sort of vehicle imaginable out there 'on the road' & having a ball doing it.


29th December 2012, 01:47 PM
Some up to date figures.... My wife just did a round trip to Kings Canyon from the Alice. All bitumen. 40c outside and the aircon on. It is a return trip of 900klms. Lets call it 950klms to include a little extra running around. She left town with full main (145litres) and sub (30litres). There were 6 people in the car and it was fairly gusty (windy). She sat on 120khp for the vast majority of the trip, 130 at times.

I just put 150 litres in to refill it. That makes approx 15.8 L / 100klms. I still think that the 3 litre is returning good figures. I reckon that if the speed was brought back to 100/110 it would return about 12l / 100klms....

the evil twin
29th December 2012, 05:03 PM
Probably driving it like a go cart. You have to remember its 2800kg with a 4 cyl. Keep revs under 2500rpm for all gear changes. Take cruise off hilly roads. I get about 14L/100Km with a fully loaded boat in tow.

Hiya MM...

I drive mine exactly the opposite. I get it on boost ASAP by taking it out to 3300 to 3600 thru the gears so the revs do not drop below about 2200 and boost holds up at 16 to 18 PSI until I get into 4th/5th depending on spped limit.

Now had the vehicle for 80,000 K's and over that period it has averaged almost exactly 12.5 LPH.

When touring with the Camper the vehicle would be over GVM and the camper maybe 1100 Kg but I do sit around 95 KPH where the fuel flow on the scangauge is the sweetest unless there is line haul trucks catching up to me in which case I sit on 100 till I can get over and let them past.

Totally agree about losing the CC on the hilly stuff esp in a manual. A human who is looking after fuel and engine load rather than launching over the top at max noise will always outdrive CC in the hills. Us humans can also take much better advantage of the ECU fuel cut. Again a Scangauge (or ECUtalk) proves that every time or at least mine does.

Bottom line tho... I don't know why it is but some trucks are thirsty and some aren't and there doesn't seem to be a thing you can do about it. I have a 2012 Navara king cab 4cyl in the work fleet that will not get less than 15LPH no matter what. Usually up in the 17 to 18's...everyone hates the POS.

GQ Toy
4th January 2013, 01:07 AM
my 08 CRD is set up exactly as my GQ 4.2 PETROL, just does not have roof rack on and fuel consumption is in the 14-20LPH range - not very amused, the GQ fully loaded touring OZ was 18-25 LPH. I have noticed too that when I travel home from Perth my fuel consumption is less that the trip up. Wondering if fuel quality plays a part as well. CRD is chipped as well, that is the only difference from the GQ

4th January 2013, 10:02 AM
Hi all,what an interesting thread this one is,regardless of which vehicle you drive ( Nissan,Toyota etc.) there is always much debate over fuel economy and no one really has the anwsers do they. I currently drive a 2011 ST Auto which i bought new and compared with the 08 STX Navara i previously owned the Navara was a better overall vehicle.None the less i have just returned from a 7000km tour from SA to Qld and back towing a Cub Spacevan Drover(about 1.5t loaded) and tried all different driving styles including,no overdrive,no cruise,100 khp to 115 kph etc,etc, in my opinion it made little difference how i drove it i consistently got 17 - 17.5 ltrs per 100 kms,now some may say thats high but lets all remember we are driving a truck not a car and if you tow anything forget ecomony.I am most impressed with the overall towing capacity of the auto and found that leaving it in overdrive and letting the gearbox do all the work was the way to go ( even in temps of 40+ ) After driving 7000ks the vehicle was very comfortable and offered everything you would need while touring.If you are looking for value for money,buy a Patrol.

4th January 2013, 10:16 AM
Hi there - just to add to the debate - I get around 11-12.5L/100km out of mine out of all sorts of driving conditions (and have winch, steel bar, snorkel) and carry loads of approx. 300kg quite often. Haven't towed yet so can't comment on that but have standard tyres and suspension until next week.

Coldcomfort - you mentioned 145L main tank? Have you upgraded your tank as I believe the standard main tank in GU 7/8s is 95L so I am guessing you have a LR tank?


4th January 2013, 11:44 AM
Hi my GU8 is 3 weeks old and its been getting mid 11s its got a 3inch lift,285km2s,steel bar,winch,snorkle,steinbaur chip set on its max setting,dual batterys and im loving it.

5th January 2013, 06:48 AM
Looks like most are in the better fuel economy range, and there are a small proportion that are high ( Which is consistent with other posts about the same topic ).

If you want to go ahead and purchase a car, and also want to confirm that that have a good one, you have twp choices.
You either take your chances, as I have done with the last two CRD's I have purchased, or I would either see if you can put a clause in your contract with the dealer stating that if the car after the first tankful returns a reading over 14L per hundred, then you can return it for money back, orf alternatively after you have haggled and got to your agreed price, as the final kicker to sign the contract ask for them to fill the main tank whilst you watch, on the vehicle that you are going to purchase - go for a 100 klm ride, and refill to the same point at your expense, and calculate results